Finance Training for Medical Professionals Bishop Auckland : Mitchells Grievson

Finance Training for Medical Professionals

Mitchells Grievson Director, Phil Harnby now delivers finance webinars for Thornfields Training, part for First Practice Management. They approached Phil to deliver the training because of his vast experience and knowledge of finance within the medical sector.

Phil’s approachable sessions make the most complex concepts easy to understand. These sessions have been found beneficial to many Practice Managers and GP’s when having difficulties understanding or require some reassurance of the workings of finance in general practice.

View the below webinars:

Limited Companies

With the fast pace of change in the modern healthcare hierarchy, many surgeries and PCNs have become limited companies to separate staff and financial risk from member practices.

Identify the key points when considering if a limited company structure might be right for your GP Practice or PCN.

Personal Expenses & Tax

As a Practice Manager, you’ll have a range of reporting regulations and requirements to fulfil for HMRC and Companies House on behalf of your Practice, understanding the difference between business and personal expenses can mean saving thousands on taxes.

PCN Finances

How do you balance your practice's financial governance with your PCN finances? Learn about the importance of a good PCN Agreement when navigating financial issues, as well as how to manage income streams, tackle employment challenges and much more...

Partnership Disputes

How can you handle disputes effectively, along with all the demands of business as usual?

This webinar includes hints and tips on planning to avoid disputes, keeping good records and resolving issues.

Financial Forecasting

A look at the ins and outs of Financial Forecasting in primary care, and how Practice Managers can confidently plan for the future.

Practice Managers becoming Partners

The ins and outs of what a partnership is, how Practice Managers can become Partners, and some common partnership queries, such as: Is partnership for me? How do I get paid as a partner, and how does the tax work? and risks versus rewards.

Financial Year End

Still worrying over the year-end finances?

This webinar covers financial best practice, a topic that is always high on the list of every GP practice and PCN in the country.

Avoiding Fraud

How can you identify the signs of fraud in general practice, and what can you do to prevent it from happening?

Practice Mergers

Covering key factors when a practice merges, financial and tax considerations, essential processes, contractual obligations and much more...

If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Phil on

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